Our Past Seminars

The Magic Behind Montessori Math

Spark Montessori Parents EducationMaria Montessori claimed that all humans have a Mathematical Mind. And yet if that’s the case, then how come math is so painful and elusive to many children and adults?

The answer partly lies in how mathematical concepts are taught from an early age. The most common problem is that mathematical concepts are taught in an abstract way much too quickly. Children learn through their hands and need concrete manipulatives to help them understand the world around them. This is what Montessori Math does at its most basic level but there is so much more.

Montessori alumni often say that their lifelong love of math stemmed from their early encounters with numbers in their Montessori classroom. Come learn the secrets behind Montessori Math and why it is considered one of the most beautiful and amazing elements of a Montessori education.

Montessori Literacy Workshop

Ever wonder how literacy is supported in a Montessori classroom? Come join us as we dig deeper into the Montessori approach to helping children learn to love all aspects of language: speaking, writing, and reading.

Topics include:

  • Rich vocabulary and modeling in the toddler community
  • The progression of language cards with objects
  • The introduction of sandpaper letters
  • Writing before reading through the movable alphabet
  • Learning to read spontaneously vs. directly
  • The benefits of cursive
  • The benefits of a phonetic-based language program

Discipline Toolkit Workshop

Montessori parenting coach Susan Tracy McDaniel, M.Ed., shared her most popular parenting tools in a workshop for parents and educators of children ages toddler through Kindergarten.

In this workshop, we learned 20+ effective tools for preventing and solving everyday challenges. This is practical, effective information based on years of observation, applied in hundreds of families. Parenting is a challenge for anyone… and these positive tools have helped all kids of families through many different scenarios.

A 30-minute parent coaching session by phone is included following workshop attendance. Pages for your own parent notebook will be shared as well.

Healthy Choices Workshop

Choices give young children power over their own lives so they are more confident and motivated to take initiative later in life. But not all choices are helpful.

At this session, Montessori educator Emily Meizis shared:

  • Why it is important to offer children choices
  • Best practices parents can use to offer their children choices
  • Ways to find choices in everyday living

Montessori Sensitive Periods Seminar

TSpark Montessori Parent Educationhrough observation of children aged 0-6 years old, Maria Montessori noticed that each child moves through periods of extraordinary interest and concentration in certain areas of their development.

If these ‘sensitive’ periods are properly supported, optimal learning can take place almost effortlessly.

At this session, Montessori educator Margaret Combs shared:

  • An overview of the key sensitive periods observed in children aged 0-6 years old all over the world
  • Key indicators of each sensitive period and how parents can support these natural periods for learning
  • Ways that a child’s environment should be prepared to allow children to take advantage of their focused interests as they naturally occur

Picky Eater Workshop

Does dinner time feel like a battle of wills?

Are you concerned that your child’s picky eating habits are limiting their nourishment?

Spark Montessori Parent Education sessions explored tips and tricks for helping children to gain an appreciation for healthy foods without coercion.

At this session, Montessori parent educator Susan Tracy McDaniel, M.Ed shared practices she’s seen work to overcome children’s objections to eating healthy food. Some of the topics of discussion will include:

• Understanding young children’s nutritional needs
• How the environment effects children’s reaction to food and eating
• Ways to engage children in food preparation and selection
• The benefits of modeling desirable behavior

A 30-minute parent coaching session by phone was included following event attendance.

What Does It Mean to Be an Observant Parent?

Do your children fascinate you?

Do you want to become more in tune with their unique needs?

Ever wonder what makes the Montessori Method different than many others?

If so, join us for the next in a series of Spark Montessori Parent Education sessions to learn how parents can apply a fundamental practice in the Montessori Method, observation, with their own children.

Montessori parent educator Susan Tracy McDaniel, M.Ed will share Maria Montessori’s secret to individualized education so that you can better understand your own children, solve everyday problems, and better meet their developmental needs.

Toilet Learning the Montessori Way

Does Toilet Training your child seem like a total mystery to you?

Are you wondering if it’s time to get started? Or worried you’ve waited too long?

If so, join us for the next in a series of Spark Montessori Parent Education sessions to learn about Toilet Training the Montessori way and meet other parents who are going through this same process.

Spark Montessori’s Lead Toddler Teacher, Emily Meizis, has helped dozens of children and their families learn to navigate the toilet learning process effectively. She will share her tips and tricks for guiding children through this exciting step towards independence in a positive, proactive manner.

Montessori at Home Seminar

  • Ever wonder how to create a more peaceful home environment with your young children?
  • Ever feel like your child’s things are taking over your entire house?
  • Do you wish your child would help out more at home?

Our Montessori at Home Seminar from the Spark Montessori Parent Education sessions focused on these question and more. Attendees learned about preparing a home environment that meets the unique needs of your child.

Our Montessori parent educator shares resources, and photos for creating an environment at home that is peaceful, beautiful, and orderly while promoting learning, independence, and fun. Learn how to choose and arrange furniture, toys, materials, and activities in a way that allows children to become fully engaged as a member of today’s modern family. A 30-minute parent coaching session by phone was included following the event attendance.