Mission & Values

Spark Montessori’s Mission

Provide an authentic, dedicated, and modern Montessori experience for children so that they may discover and nurture the unique Spark within themselves, build self-discipline, awareness, intellectual independence, and competence through important reality-oriented, sensory focused works, and apply their skills and passion towards constructing a happy, fulfilled, self-actualized life.

Spark Montessori’s Organizational Values

Commitment to Montessori Principles/Practices:  Spark Montessori will approach every school decision with a commitment to the core principles of a Montessori education.

Respect for the Child and Childhood:  Children are capable of far more than they are given credit for. They have their own unique needs, ideas, and passions that must be respected, cherished, and supported. Similarly, childhood is a short, yet critical period of time that needs to be protected from the pressures and politics of the adult world.

Support the Whole Child and the Whole Family:  The modern child and the modern family have needs that go beyond academics and childcare. Spark Montessori will strive to provide an environment that supports the whole child at their own, personal stage of development. And provide opportunities for families to build memories, learn, and grow together.

Growth Mindset:  There are no fixed human qualities. Everyone is capable of growth with the right mindset. We become what we focus and work on and so we will focus on the things that we can change and influence.

Collaborative Culture with Open Door Policies:  Great things happen when people with unique talents and passions collaborate to create something of value. This requires open communication and leadership that is receptive to continuous improvement and engagement. Parents will feel open to engage through open, continuous feedback loops that listen and adapt when appropriate.

Community Outreach & Engagement:  There are countless opportunities to engage with the community at large. This includes community organizations, public facilities, and local businesses. Spark Montessori will actively build those connections so that it may have a broader impact and expose children to the ‘real world’ and community in which they live.

Open to Modern Research and Technologies at Appropriate Ages:  The world is changing quickly and so we must be willing to evolve with modern research on child development without compromising the underlying philosophy of Montessori.

Approach the World with Joy and Reverence:  When we are present in the world, we build a sense of reverence for all of the beauty and joy that is possible.